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June 7, 2013 admin

Garcinia Cambogia

(18 customer reviews)


  • The Most Potent and Effective Form of Garcinia Cambogia on the Market. Known as The Holy Grail Of Weight Loss Supplement – Dr Oz
  • Suppresses Appetite – Control the hunger pains that stimulate overeating even when full
  • Boosts Metabolism – Increase your body’s fat burning process through Natural HCA extract accelerates metabolism increasing levels of metabolic activity.
  • Blocks Production of Fat – Natural enzymes shown to reduce the production of fatty acids and lipids
  • Extra Large Bottle: 300 Vegan Capsules – Extra Strength 500mg – All Natural – GMP Certified – Bottled in USA – Dr Trusted
  • Diuretic: Promotes Healthy Water Balance & Weight Control

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SKU: VC-GC356-1 Category:


Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit extract that is found in the South East region of Asia. It has been a staple food of the region for many centuries. Recently, through scientific research and studies, appetite suppression properties have been formulated into a supplement that aids in weight loss. Ingesting this extract before meals made the body feel more “full”  curbing appetite.

Along with dieting and exercise, some cases have shown tremendous weight loss results. Since it is an all natural product, it is a very safe and efficient method to boost your metabolism, while reducing the fat production from foods.

Powerful weight loss supplement benefits

Suppresses and curbs your appetite reducing the hunger pains that lead to emotional or “stress” eating.

Reduce the body’s fat absorption from food

Blocks the production of fat contained in everyday foods. Effective dual action fat busters burn calories and target existing fatty tissue to breakdown

All Natural without Major Side effects

Non-Stimulant herbal extract with ZERO chemical side effects. This is a completely safe supplement to aid in your weight loss strategy

How does Garcinia Cambogia Work

HCA extracts found in Garcinia Cambogia will first curb your appetite leading to less eating when your are already at your maximum consumption levels. The Fat production process from the ingested foods during the digestion process will be eliminated and the chance for the fat to be stored in the body will not occur. Along with eating less, your metabolism will be increased leading to a a dual action process. It is highly suggested that you increase physical activity through exercise. The neurotransmitter Seratonin is also increased during this process. Seratonin is known to make you feel in a good mood. Lack of Seratnonin will cause anxiety and stress, often leading to over eating. By addressing all these factors, Garcinia Cambogia will effectively target and aid in the weight loss and increased metabolism that is shown to provide desirable results.

*Free Shipping on U.S. orders only.


Additional information

Weight2 lbs
Dimensions5 × 5 × 5 in
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Comments (18)

  1. Marsha Kilroy

    Quick and convenient

    Very easy to take and work into my diet. I didn’t have to change anything as far as the food I ate, I just ate less. I have tried crash diets but they never seem to work since I would have these crazy binge sessions. With this supplement, I just didn’t feel that gnawing hunger sensation that would make my brain crazy with thoughts of food. even the smells of food wouldn’t make me that hungry anymore.

  2. Andrew J

    Started working pretty fast

    I didnt think that it would work so fast but sure enough, I lost 2 pounds in just 3 days. My hunger pains make me feel week anymore and I added 1 hour of light cardio and drink extra water. I’m on 3 weeks now and I feel amazing!

  3. Spencer T

    Makes dieting more manageable

    I still had to eat and I didn’t want to starve myself. I knew that a well balanced diet with exercise was a big factor. I started slow with 3 doses a day and then I went forward to 6 capsules a day. I have lost 10 pounds in 1 month and all I do for cardio is 45 minutes of walking a day.

  4. Georgia Tinsley

    Summertime happiness

    Summer is here and I am happy that Vida Cora Garcinia helped me out. So I knew that it would be too tough to lose weight by just food dieting. I work in the catering industry and I have to be surrounded by food all the time.

    With this supplement pill and tons of water, I was able to curb my appetite and that was all I changed. I lost 7 pounds in only 3 weeks! The weight started to disappear around my neck and slowly moved down to my waist.

    I used to get crazy appetites late night and that has since changed, I do get thirsty all the time though.

  5. Vera T.

    No crash diet for me

    Garcinia helped me to suppress my appetite without leaving me in a crappy mood. The key is to drink more water and to also make sure that you have some type of mild caloric burning activity going on. My trick was to chew some gum and that would make me think that I was eating and also exercised my jaws.

  6. Lana Trisch

    I have my body back!

    So I was in a bad crash that left me unable to work out as hard as I once did. Of course inactivity lead to stress eating and the vicious cycle ensued. I thought about all of the diets and figured I’d try this garcinia stuff first. Quite surprisingly, I was able to control my appetite and not eat such a large portion during meal times. I drink plenty of water now and I am able to focus on work versus wondering when lunch is. I have started a new PT program and it feels good to slowly get back to my slimmer self.

  7. Tammy K.

    Must Exercise

    Vida Cora garcinia has helped me to lose 12 pounds in 2 months. I took it 1 hour after waking up and 2 hours before bed. In the morning I would drink 2 cups of water and also 2 cups in the afternoon. my meals were smaller and I didn’t have a crash in my energy like with other diet supplements.

  8. Pierre N.

    There is no magic Pill.

    With that being said, there is a combination of exercise and diet supplements that can help you to achieve weight loss. I write this as a firsthand witness at how my wife was able to lose her post pregnancy weight with a little help for this Vida Cora GC supplement as well as some good cardio work outs. Mostly it was just walking before and after meals.

  9. Garvey D

    Takes a bit to get used to

    I never really tried supplements before this but I had to lose a bit of weight to fit into an old suit.

    I didn’t want to buy a new suit so I figured a diet was in order. The capsules were fairly easy to ingest and I wasn’t sure if it started to work until I went to dinner with my girlfriend.

    She ended up eating more than me and that was a shocker. Its been about 3 weeks and Ive lost about 5 pounds. Super cooL!

  10. Gracie K

    Perfect natural extract

    I love how i was able to not have to stick to a strict diet and was still able to lose weight.

  11. Gina V

    No more late night cravings

    I used to eat at really odd hours. Instead I take a pill before sleeping and it helps me not get up for a late night snack.

  12. Kerry

    Weight loss and Money saver

    No more late night drive through trips! I have much less food cravings and no funky side effects.

  13. Christina F

    Makes my day more manageable

    I usually make poor eating decisions when I get too hungry. I wait til the last minute and end up getting drive thru fast food.

    The garcinia helps to extend in between mealtimes to make sure that I can plan meals better.

    I have lost 6 pounds and its only been 3 weeks.

  14. James W

    More than just a diet supplement

    The capsule was easy to incorporate into my diet and I know that by eating this before meals, it would help me to not absorb so much calories from food.I also felt less distracted as I got closer to meal times.

  15. Tonya G

    So happy with this Supplement

    I have been looking for a way that was safe and natural for me to help suppress my appetite. I have used this for 4 weeks and I am amazed that I lost 5 pounds of my body weight. I dont have any funky headaches just less cravings for snacks.

  16. Karina V

    Appetite Curber

    I used to eat more than my fill. I love cheeses and heavy sauces so much. This supplement made me not want to eat so much more than what I needed to and it caused a lot of slimming around my butt. Been doing this for 5 weeks and I like what’s going down so far, my weight. boom!

  17. Quinn B

    Im feeling pretty good about my self these days

    I hate working out.

    I hate dieting.

    I love food.

    I need to lose weight.

    I took the Garcinia.

    I lost 5 pounds.

    I am happy.

  18. Betty J Bratrud

    I started taking Vita Cora Garcina about 3 weeks ago and have already lost 11 pounds with my weight loss program. I worked out hard and only gained weight. Granted muscle weighs more than fat but it did not go away very fast at all. So I added Garcina and bang the fat, mostly belly fat, is going away fast. I am ready to step up my work out
    and I know Garcina will help me get the rest off much faster. Yeah!!!!!!

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